Tuesday, July 26, 2016

PBL Training Day 4

PBL Day 4
 A few of our faculty members sharing!

We looked at Peers giving Authentic Feedback..in a kind and caring way... we created self-portraits!
One self- portrait looked a lot like Mulan's Dad!  You'll have to guess which of our faculty members this is :)

 Our Presenter shared a typical day:
 We did several different team building activities:
 Here are some sample projects that were shared at the training:

Day 5 PBL

PBL Day 5
We started the morning with more team building!  This was so funny!

 Vaseline on your nose - who can move the cotton balls from one side of the line to the other faster??

 Project reflection using a SCRUM board.... each group was tasked with creating a different part of the robot..then we put it all together!!

 A different SCRUM board was used for each group.. it was a great group management tool... where both the facilitator and group could see what needed to happen next!!

 We also discussed all the different types of Assessment you could use with PBL!
 Although I didn't get to do this session, Chrissy was gracious enough to share her notes!- A great way to figure out your timing for your project!

 Here is our wrap-up sharing session!!

PBL Training Days 2-3

Day 2-3: PBL

The 6 A's of Designing Projects:

Academic Rigor

Applied Learning

Active Exploration

Adult Relationships


50 things Kids can Create in the Classroom

Expanding one Idea