Monday, October 10, 2016

Weekly Update #6

This week was busy in a different way:) 

Monday I spent all day at SHS training with John who is my coach.  My brain hurt at the end of the day.
That's John my coach at the front.

Tuesday I spent all day at HES doing coaching rounds.  Several Hardy teachers invited all the elementary coaches and our coach in to look for something they wanted feedback on.  It was very informative and I got to see a pro in action as he coached teachers.
Peggy Spencer was one of the volunteers at HES.

This was the morning message from Mrs. Knight's room.  Thought it was neat to see this ARC component just like at WES.

Wednesday I spent the day with Ms. Miller's Class, Mrs. Hall's Class, Mrs. Littlefield's Class, and Mrs. Stull's Class, on their project launch.  We went to First Landing State Park in VA Beach.  We all had  a great time and the kids were exhausted by the end of the day.

Thursday I spent the day with our ARC coach and K-2 teachers learning more about the one on one coaching aspect of ARC which takes place during the readers workshop portion of the day.
Here is Katie our ARC coach working with a kindergarten student.

Friday I spent the day at SHS again with John our coach.  We did a lot of brain work again on this day, but I felt very good at the end of the day because we really accomplished quite a bit together.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Weekly Update #5

This was a very exciting week for me, I was able to get into many classrooms this week! 

Caught Mrs. Carter's class begging for her to continue reading!
 I love finding the 5C's all over the building, here is Mrs. Hall's door :)

 Some projects have commenced all over the building.  I did get a chance to see third grade beginning to research Famous Americans but I failed to get any good pictures so I will try and get some up on the blog soon.   Mrs. Stull and Mrs. Littlefield's 5th grade classes are working on a globe project.... here are a few pictures 

 First a little papier-mache... talk about engagement!!

They had to complete several layers, and it needed to dry for awhile..
 Then they painted :)

 Then they began placing the continents and labeling essential parts of the globe...

They researched a specific continent and are  writing papers to go along with their globe :)  can't wait to see these hanging in the hall!