Sunday, September 25, 2016

Weekly Update #4

So this week I thought I would share a little about our new reading series that is being used in K-2..hopefully this will allow others to see some of the components of this ARC program, later I will focus on the other components of the program.

One of the components of this program is the Read Aloud component.  Similar to your typical read aloud however there is usually a very narrowed focus for the read aloud.
 Here is Mrs. Guimoye doing a read aloud and her big focus was looking at the break between words and touching each word as the kindergarten friends do their Readers Workshop.
 Readers Workshop was probably one of the trickiest components of ARC that our K-2 teachers have been working on these past few weeks -  kids are independently reading and building stamina to get up to 30 minutes of continuous reading. Here are a few pictures of kids during this time from Mrs. Hall's room.

After they read independently there is accountable talk :) They are given a focus during this time and they turn and talk - these friends were asked to share a favorite part of the story.

 So your probably wondering how do the kids get books that they are able to read on their own (especially in K and 1)...You may have heard others talking about something called the IRLA- this is a tool used to identify kids independent reading level in ARC's continuum is a giant spiral bound book, I'm sure you have seen us carrying it around.  Once they are leveled they select books from the corresponding color tub which should offer that child a wide selection of books at their independent level.

Now you may be asking yourself what if they can't even read a very simple patterned text?  Well, those kids are considered "Read To Me" kids (RTM).  These children will need lots of books read to them- ARC asks for them to get 20 per day. Woah! yes, that is upper grades may be hearing from lower grades in order to get some readers to help.  Anyone can help, if you know of a volunteer that would like to come in, this would be a perfect opportunity for them to help!  Here I am reading with a kindergarten buddy who was so eager and very excited about reading :)

 After Readers Workshop they record their reading in their log.  For every 15 minutes they read they record a step- so typically on a day at school they would record 2 steps and then soon when they begin their home steps they will record 2 at home :)  This is an example of Mrs. Baughman's class recording in their logs.

So that's just a portion of ARC... I hope to show you more soon!

 Now all classes are up and Running with ST Math... way to go WES!!!  Please let me know if you would like support with ST math during your math time :)

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Weekly Update #3

This week was very busy with ST Math!  I supported some initial work within this new program we have at WES! In fact I didn't really take many pictures this week :(  However, I think I did have my hands on over 100 IPADS :) supporting teachers as they load ST Math!

I have noticed overall that the kids really like ST Math.  I am working on sharing a notes page for the next few weeks so that teachers can get plenty of information.

So my favorite moment of the week was when this kindergarten friend said,"I can't wait to tell my mom I am learning math!"

  In addition this week I spent time participating in our first extended PLC meetings of the year, sorry I didn't take any pictures. 
I will do better next week. :)

The other part of my week was spent learning more about ARC and IRLA in order to be an additional support for k-2 teachers in the implementation of this new program.

The one thing I saw is that some teachers have tabbed their IRLA, here is an example of one that I saw:

 This makes it very easy to get to each section as you are leveling.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekly Update #2

A Great First Week!
A bulk of the First Day - I read to different classes!

This week I also did some team building lessons to start building rapport with the class I will be working with as I start my project in Mrs. Carter's room :)  

 I saw some great development of the 5C' is Mrs. White's class developing their ideas on Creativity :)

 Sidebar:  Saw this in a classroom and asked if I could share... 
A ketchup folder for incomplete work --love it!
ARC Training was on Thursday:  It was great seeing the ARC Coach in action:  I was able to see her in 1st and 2nd grade :)

ST Math:  Mrs. Post, Mr. Bridges, and Mrs. McDonough classes served as a few of our ST Math guinea pigs last week- and this week we will be getting a lot more classes started :)


Monday, September 5, 2016

Pre-Service Weeks

It has been a fun few weeks getting ready for the kids to return....
2nd week in August I participated in a Coaching Academy...

 We received some introductory training at WHS MakerSpace...

I finished moving into my room and then cleaned up what will be the WES MakerSpace!  So excited about this!! Room 33 the place to be!

 forgot the finished room but - I will get one up soon- it is empty anyway :)
Then along with the group of coaches we planned and delivered the New Teacher Academy...
They completed some Kagan structures and got to network a little...

 We completed a project slice at Windsor Castle Park... and investigated the 5 C's

 There were even some great discussion points..
 Then the teachers returned :)  yeah!
We went on a bus tour of the Windsor District!

 We had Convocation...wish I had more pics

We participated in ST Math Training and ARC Training..

Then I led a 5C's training...WES faculty and staff came up with some great ideas!